Events Calendar

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January 2022


January Chapter Meeting

This event has ended
Wednesday, January 5th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation

How Plants Grow: What Every Home Gardener Should Know About Botany Marc Radell, Pennsylvania Master Gardener Emeritus, presents this class on practical applications of the science that determines how plants grow. Understanding some of these basic principles will improve and simplify your native plant gardening practices, including selection, seed starting, cultivation, and pruning.


Tending Nature Series -- Partners for Pollinators

This event has ended
Friday, January 7th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

Register on the Ohio State University website for this 6-session webinar speaker series focused on the ecological roles of native plants and some of the creatures that depend on them. We'll meet virtually each Friday for 6 weeks from January 7th through February 11th. All sessions are at 10AM EASTERN and will last for approximately 60 minutes plus questions. January 7: Mary Gardiner: Beneficial Insect Biodiversity: What It Is and Why It Matters


What is Wild and Why It Matters

This event has ended
Monday, January 10th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation

Inviting a bit of authentic wildness into your garden is the most rewarding way to create a truly vibrant landscape �" one that will sustain both the gardener and a stunning array of regional biodiversity. Rather than maintaining plants in fixed patterns, the modern wild garden relies on the resiliency of managed, self-perpetuating plant communities. Rick Darke will explore the dynamic nature of wild gardening and will show how this approach is genuinely ecological and eminently practical for Midwest landscapes. Register here.


Tending Nature Series -- Partners for Pollinators

This event has ended
Friday, January 14th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

Register on the Ohio State University website for this 6-session webinar speaker series focused on the ecological roles of native plants and some of the creatures that depend on them. We'll meet virtually each Friday for 6 weeks from January 7th through February 11th. All sessions are at 10AM EASTERN and will last for approximately 60 minutes plus questions. January 14: Doug Tallamy: Bringing Nature Home: The Importance of Native Plants


Webinar: Diversify Your Lawn

This event has ended
Saturday, January 15th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation

Who says lawns need to be monocultures or only consist of grasses? Enrich the traditional lawn with other complementary plants that bloom at different times and add intrigue. Learn how to identify the plants that already grow in lawns as “weeds” and incorporate new plants that create a rich, wildlife-friendly tapestry. $12 (Members)/$15 (Nonmembers). Register here.


Tending Nature Series -- Partners for Pollinators

This event has ended
Friday, January 21st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

Register on the Ohio State University website for this 6-session webinar speaker series focused on the ecological roles of native plants and some of the creatures that depend on them. We'll meet virtually each Friday for 6 weeks from January 7th through February 11th. All sessions are at 10AM EASTERN and will last for approximately 60 minutes plus questions. January 21: Lisa Olsen: Cultivating a Community of Support for Native Plants


Tending Nature Series -- Partners for Pollinators

This event has ended
Friday, January 28th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

Register on the Ohio State University website for this 6-session webinar speaker series focused on the ecological roles of native plants and some of the creatures that depend on them. We'll meet virtually each Friday for 6 weeks from January 7th through February 11th. All sessions are at 10AM EASTERN and will last for approximately 60 minutes plus questions. January 28 Bryan Danforth: Host-plant Specialist Bees" Biology, Biodiversity, and Conserving Them in Your Backyard

February 2022


Tending Nature Series - Partners for Pollinators

This event has ended
Friday, February 4th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

Register on the Ohio State University website for this 6-session webinar speaker series focused on the ecological roles of native plants and some of the creatures that depend on them. We'll meet virtually each Friday for 6 weeks from January 7th through February 11th. All sessions are at 10AM EASTERN and will last for approximately 60 minutes plus questions. February 4 Heather Holm: Bumble Bee Banquet: Selecting Native Plants for Bumble Bees


Inviting Biodiversity into Our Gardens, Pollinator Symposium, session 3

This event has ended
Wednesday, February 9th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation

Forests and Pollinators: Sustaining a Close-knit Ecosystem Presented by Western Reserve Land Conservancy, this session will focus on the integral role trees play in attracting pollinators to our gardens. Our presenters will address oaks and other woody species in our landscape, and how pests are affecting our forests, and in turn pollinators. The American Oaks: Diversity, Ecology and Identification, presented by Tim Boland, Executive Director, The Polly Hill Arboretum Forest Health Research: Protecting the Forest Ecosystem, presented by David Burke, Ph.D., Vice President for Science and Conservation, Holden Forests & Gardens Selecting Native Trees and Shrubs that Support Pollinators, presented by Heather Holm, Author and Biologist


Wild Ones February Chapter Meeting

This event has ended
Thursday, February 10th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation

Please join us via Zoom for our monthly chapter meeting.  We have lots of things to discuss and learn, including our main presentation - Invasive Plant ID and Management, focusing on invasives on our residential properties.  This is the perfect time of year to evaluate your property and tackle some of the invasives we all battle, so come learn some of the techniques for success.   We hope you can make it because the conversations that spring up at meetings are very enlightening, but if you are unable to attend, the meeting will be recorded and the YouTube link and Newsletter will be emailed a few days after the meeting. Members will receive the zoom link to the meeting via emai. If you are not a member but would like to attend, please email [email protected] to request the link.


Tending Nature Series - Partners for Pollinators

This event has ended
Friday, February 11th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

Register on the Ohio State University website for this 6-session webinar speaker series focused on the ecological roles of native plants and some of the creatures that depend on them. We'll meet virtually each Friday for 6 weeks from January 7th through February 11th. All sessions are at 10AM EASTERN and will last for approximately 60 minutes plus questions. February 11 Debra Knapke: Native Plants in My Garden? Absolutely!


The Ecological Benefits of Native Bees and Predatory Wasps

This event has ended
Saturday, February 12th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation

Mt. Cuba Center Winter Lecture Series. Heather Holm. Native bees and predatory wasps share the same lineage and share many behaviors and habitat requirements. Predatory wasps feed their offspring invertebrates (insects and spiders) and bees diverged from this carnivorous diet to feed their offspring plant-based food (pollen and nectar). Flower-rich landscapes provide critical habitat for both adult bees and wasps because they each consume flower nectar; in addition, wasps need diverse, flower-rich landscapes to hunt for their prey. Heather will highlight many amazing natural history and biology facts about native wasps illustrating their nesting habitat, prey specificity, and the ecosystems services they provide�"pest insect population control and pollination. $25


Container Gardening with Native Plants: Observations from a Rooftop In Brooklyn

This event has ended
Sunday, February 13th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Learn how to grow happy, healthy native plants in clay pots, wooden boxes or even plastic bags. From planning and potting to maintenance and overwintering, you'll be ready for a successful adventure in native plant container gardening. Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve. On-line webinar. $15.


Secrets of Seed Dispersal

This event has ended
Sunday, February 13th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Heather Andrews, of Garden Thoughtfully, will Host Edge of the Woods Horticulturist Brandon Everett to discuss the interesting ways native plants spread seeds. Register here. Free


Ecology-Based Landscape Design -- 4-Session Course

This event has ended
Wednesday, February 16th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

2022 Winter Virtual Education Series -- Join NDAL for a deep dive into the fine points and subtle nuances of ecology-based landscape design, and the role culture and art can play in its evolution. Foundations of Ecology-Based Design: Science to Practice Larry Weaner


Finding Your Environmental Ethic

This event has ended
Thursday, February 17th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

In this introductory webinar, you will learn four philosophical models of human relationship with nature in order to gain deeper understanding of your own and others' environmental ethics. We will consider our roles and the ways obligation to our surroundings forms the foundation of efforts such as recycling, preservation of endangered species, and habitat restoration. Ecological Landscape Alliance


Edible Landscaping with Native Plants

This event has ended
Thursday, February 17th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Explore native plants that are perfect for your edible garden. Presented by Allyson Levy and Scott Serrano, Co-founders, Hortus Arboretum & Botanical Gardens Hortus Arboretum & Botanical Gardens is a Level II-accredited arboretum in New York's Hudson Valley. The gardens have grown to include an extensive collection of unusual edible and decorative plantings (Zone 6). Join Allyson Levy and Scott Serrano to discover native edible plants that are low-maintenance, underutilized and garden-worthy. Free of charge; registration is required.


Growing Your Own Bird Feeder Using Native Plants

This event has ended
Sunday, February 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve. Learn how to grow happy, healthy native plants in clay pots, wooden boxes or even plastic bags. From planning and potting to maintenance and overwintering, you'll be ready for a successful adventure in native plant container gardening. On-line webinar. $15.


Container Gardening With Native Plants

This event has ended
Sunday, February 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Observations from a Rooftop in Brooklyn. Learn how to grow happy, healthy native plants in clay pots, wooden boxes or even plastic bags. From planning and potting to maintenance and overwintering, you'll be ready for a successful adventure in native plant container gardening. Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve. On-line webinar. $15.


Innovations in Insect Pollinator Policy

This event has ended
Sunday, February 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Learn How to Create Lasting Change to Benefit Pollinators, presented by West Cook Wild Ones  "Innovations in Insect Pollinator Policy" with Damon Hall Native plant gardeners use their own backyards to create habitat for pollinators and to make a small positive impact on the global environmental crisis. Ever wonder what would happen if we could extend our impact to include more backyards by enacting laws to benefit pollinators? Damon Hall can help us to begin to take action beyond our home landscape. Damon Hall will talk to us about why pollinator laws matter, what kinds of state pollinator laws already exist, and how we can initiate action on a local level to inspire changes in ordinances which often stymie pollinator conservation and native plant gardeners. Free; register here


Tribal Alliance for Pollinators: An Innovative Model for Conservation Collaboration

This event has ended
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Presenters: Jane Breckinridge & Brandon Gillespie. TAP is the only Native-led organization dedicated to grassland restoration using locally sourced native plant seed. Learn about TAP's history, dedication to monarch conservation, methods and hear guidance on working more effectively with tribes. Register here. Free


Inviting Biodiversity into Our Gardens, Pollinator Symposium, session 4

This event has ended
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Nature Connections: Creating Functional Ecosystems in Urban Settings The fourth of five, this session will address the connectivity of green spaces in more densely populated areas. These small but mighty sites can provide critical habitat for pollinators and other wildlife as they navigate through the natural world. Smart Solutions for Urban Garden Designs, Roy Diblik, Co-owner, Northwind Perennial Farm Brooklyn Bridge Park Lessons (so far!) in Constructed Ecology, Rebecca McMackin, Director of Horticulture, Brooklyn Bridge Park Connect the Dots, Jennifer Grieser, Director of Natural Resources, Cleveland Metroparks


Spring in Bloom: A Guide to Our Native Ephemeral Wildflowers

This event has ended
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

From biology to identification, this presentation will leave you with a host of knowledge on the importance of pollinators in our ecosystems, and the confidence to identify a number of these beautiful harbingers of spring in the field. Presented by Lancaster Conservancy Register here


The Front Yard Revolution

This event has ended
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Move beyond boring, look-alike landscape plantings of Japanese barberry, burning bush, and Bradford pear. Substitute these invasive plants with native trees, shrubs, and perennials that feature multi-seasonal interest, support songbirds, and provide wildlife habitat. With the knowledge gained in this class, transform your landscape from an ecological desert to a beautiful, bountiful oasis, one plant at a time. Mt. Cuba Center. On-line webinar. $19


Philadelphia Home and Garden Show

This event has ended
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

Wild Ones SEPA will have a table at the Home & Garden Show this year. Volunteer to staff our table for a few hours (free show entry for volunteers!), or stop by the table to say hi while you're at the show. Email [email protected] to volunteer.


Pennsylvania Natives: How and Why I Migrated to Local Superstar Plants

This event has ended
Saturday, February 26th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Benjamine Olewine III Nature Center, Wildwood Park, 100 Wildwood Way, Harrisburg, PA, 17110 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Make your outdoor spaces go from stagnant to alive with activity by including more native plants that create functioning ecosystems for birds, insects, and more. Learn from someone who has been through the exotic-to-native conversion process and knows what works and what doesn't. Register here. $5


Native Plants That Shaped Our History

This event has ended
Sunday, February 27th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Plants as a group are generally overlooked by our society. With the exception of food, garden beauty or possibly building material, many don't realize the deep connection we have with plants each and every day. In this program, we will examine the rich history of some of our native species and explore how each has shaped the world. Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve. On-line webinar. Fee.

March 2022


Introduction to Organic, Ecological, and Sustainable Land Care

This event has ended
Thursday, March 3rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Delaware Valley University, One Health Virtual Lecture Series. Richard McCoy, McCoy Horticultural Services Richard A. McCoy Horticultural Services is an organic landscaping company specializing in green landscape design, installation and maintenance for homeowners and businesses in the Princeton, NJ area. Free webinar; register.


Ecology-Based Landscape Design -- 4-Session Course

This event has ended
Monday, March 7th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

2022 Winter Virtual Education Series -- Join NDAL for a deep dive into the fine points and subtle nuances of ecology-based landscape design, and the role culture and art can play in its evolution. The Open Landscape: Meadows, Old Fields, and Shrublands Larry Weaner


The Little Things That Run the World

This event has ended
Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Western Reserve Land Conservancy. On-line webinar, free. Register. The final session of our symposium will dive into insect interactions in our gardens. We'll explore predator-prey relationships, the integral role of caterpillars in our ecosystems and the fascinating natural history of fireflies. 1:00pm Attracting Native Bees and Beneficial Insects with Native Plants 2:00pm Caterpillars, Connections and Why Biodiversity Matters 3:00pm The Dazzling World of Fireflies


Trees, Farming, Regeneration, and Climate

This event has ended
Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Lancaster Conservancy Nature Hour virtual lecture series. Register. In this Nature Hour presented by Dale Hendricks of Green Light Plants LLC, we will explore how an old, and newly re-appreciated, approach to agriculture can be a huge help with many of the intertwined environmental, health and weather crises that we face as a planet today. Dale Hendricks has been growing and propagating plants professionally since 1975, first with Green Leaf Enterprises in Lancaster County, Pa. In 1988 he co-founded North Creek Nurseries, Inc., in order to propagate and grow perennials and grasses with an emphasis on native plants. In 2009 he founded Green Light Plants, LLC, to build carbon-friendly and regenerative landscapes, growing native, woodland and permaculture plants organically and joyfully.


Deer-Tolerant Landscapes

This event has ended
Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Mt. Cuba Center. On-line webinar. $19 Register. Today, more than ever, most of us are sharing out landscapes with deer. Often, we have a love-hate relationship with these majestic animals because the damage they cause can become quite costly. If you are in need of practical approaches to deter their seemingly insatiable appetites, join us for ideas to safeguard your garden. Cheryl Salatino will review a selection of “deer tolerant” native plants and point out those considered “deer candy."


Ulmus americana - Saving an American Icon

This event has ended
Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

In 1909, while collecting Leopard Moth larva from elm trees in the college yard at Harvard University, Dr. James W. Chapman discovered small grubs and adult beetles under the bark. With the aid of Dr. A.D. Hopkins, the first identification of the smaller European elm bark beetle, Scolytus multistriatus was confirmed in Massachusetts. S. multistriatus is the primary vector of Dutch Elm Disease (DED). DED is a fungus that invades the vascular system of a tree and has killed millions of American elm trees in the United States. With the support of the Friends of the Public Garden and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, Normand and Christine Helie have been monitoring and caring for the elm trees in the downtown Boston Parks since 2012. Their research on the smaller European elm bark beetle picks up where Dr. Chapman left off. Sharing their insights on the relationship of the beetle with the young and historic elm trees in the parks, they hope to inspire us to bring the native American elm back to our landscapes. $10 Nonmembers/ Free to members. Register


Wild Ones SEPA March Chapter Meeting

This event has ended
Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Chapter Meeting

These recent beautiful days and warmer weather have us all thinking about spring and all the great native plants that are about to be pushing through the warming soil. Please join us for our monthly meeting, featuring guest speaker Kelsey Mummert, who coordinates the Lawn Conversion Program at the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Bureau of Forestry.  We're also going to have a few of our members talk about some great projects they've been working on in their communities to help spread awareness about the importance of native plants in our landscapes! Members receive an email with the zoom link. If you are not a member and would like to attend, please email us at [email protected] to receive the link.


Growing Bird Food: New Research on Wildlife Usage of Native Hydrangea

This event has ended
Thursday, March 10th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join us for a presentation by Sam Hoadley from the Mt. Cuba Center, a nonprofit dedicated to preservation and conservation of native plant species of the Piedmont ecoregion. Sam will take us on a deep dive into Mt. Cuba Center's newly released Hydrangea arborescens evaluation results. After just completing a five year trial, the results are in on which Hydrangea species received top marks from a garden perspective and which species and cultivars tallied the most pollinator visits. Included will be tips for successful cultivation and care of wild hydrangea in your home landscape, and where you can purchase plants to get started. $10


Great Grow-Along Virtual Garden Festival

This event has ended
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Great Grow-Along is a free 10-day virtual garden festival connecting new plant lovers with the influencers, taste-makers, and cutting-edge content of today's gardening world. Each day will have a theme that guides and informs content and speakers for that day. More than 35 sessions ranging from sustainability to DIY landscaping give both first-time and seasonal gardeners practical advice and creative inspiration from 'plantfluencers', celebrated garden experts, and industry leaders. Information and registration


Chester County Beekeepers Association Annual Beekeeping Conference

This event has ended
Saturday, March 12th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Conference/Symposium

While we would all have preferred to hold the conference in person as we have done in the past, the continuing social distancing restrictions imposed due to the pandemic make that impossible. But that news is not all bad news.  By presenting a virtual conference we are not limited by room capacities, we can have more speakers presenting more topics, giving more attendees a greater opportunity to learn more. Registration and more information can be found here. Please periodically check the Chester County Beekeepers' Association Home Page for speaker names and talk topics. Most presentations will be recorded by the CCBA and made available for viewing by paid Conference registrants for two weeks after the Conference.


Wild Ones of SEPA Virtual Conference

This event has ended
Saturday, March 12th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Conference/Symposium

Hosted by Chester County Beekeepers Association. Wild Ones SEPA is joining the Chester County Beekeepers Association's annual conference with its own dedicated speaker track to help spread the word about habitat conservation using native plants. Most conference talks are expected to be recorded and will be available to registrants for 2 weeks after the conference, so you don't have to miss out on any of the talks! Register here.


The New Naturalism in Garden Design

This event has ended
Saturday, March 12th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

In this era of purposeful and thoughtful gardening, planting is a powerful verb. Planting gardens inspired by nature promotes authentic connections with land, environment and humanity. Why not make a garden that works and looks good doing it? Landscapes at home and in the public realm can be beautiful and ecologically functional if we deepen our understanding of plants and place. In this lecture especially tailored to garden enthusiasts with eye-catching examples for every garden, plantsman and author Kelly D. Norris challenges audiences to plant the world a more beautiful, functional place. $25 Register


Ecology-Based Landscape Design -- 4-Session Course

This event has ended
Monday, March 14th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

2022 Winter Virtual Education Series -- Join NDAL for a deep dive into the fine points and subtle nuances of ecology-based landscape design, and the role culture and art can play in its evolution. The Canopied Landscape: Woodlands, Edges, and Hedgerows Larry Weaner


Seed Sharing and Seed Law

This event has ended
Tuesday, March 15th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Dr. David Francis with the Ohio State University Department of Horticulture David's 60 minute presentation will include: seed borne disease, seed law, propagation to ensure plant identity, and updates on sharing and saving. Register


Native Species, Hybrids, and Cultivars - What is Best for My Garden?

This event has ended
Wednesday, March 16th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Uli Lorimer, Director of Horticulture, Native Plant Trust Awareness of the importance of ecologically informed landscaping is surging, and gardeners looking for native plants are often faced with a dizzying array of choices. Uli will address the differences between “wild type” plants and cultivars of natives, and the role the nursery industry plays in the availability of these plants for our gardens and landscapes. The end goal is to empower gardeners to be informed consumers who make good choices for their spaces and for the planet. Free; Register


Let It Be an Oak

This event has ended
Thursday, March 17th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation


Native Plants As Cut Flowers

This event has ended
Friday, March 18th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Bringing flowers into the house is one of the easiest ways to feel closer to nature, and many of our native plants make terrific floral displays. Learn the best plants to grow for indoor arrangements and how to cut, preserve, and care for them to maximize the longevity of your flowers. Mt. Cuba Center horticulturist, Serah Pesce, shows you all the best techniques to create beautiful and natural floral designs. This program takes place in-person (at Mt. Cuba Center) Friday, March 18 (Snow Date: Friday, March 25) $29 Register


Early Spring Life and Vernal Pools -- Interpretive Hike at Climbers Run

This event has ended
Saturday, March 19th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Nature Walk/Hike

Spring starts to erupt in early March: skunk cabbage melts through snow and frogs and salamanders move to vernal pools, which are very temporary wetlands, to breed. These pools are full of life �" the perfect environment for baby frogs, toads, and salamanders to grow. Come discover the early spring life at Climbers Run Nature Center with Keith Williams, naturalist and the Conservancy's Community Engagement Coordinator, as we explore the vernal pools. This will be an easy one-mile hike over mostly flat terrain. Dress for the weather, and wear waterproof boots. Port-a-john is available onsite. Open to all ages. We will make snow related cancellation decisions 24 hours before the trip. Register


Ecology-Based Landscape Design -- 4-Session Course

This event has ended
Monday, March 21st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

2022 Winter Virtual Education Series -- Join NDAL for a deep dive into the fine points and subtle nuances of ecology-based landscape design, and the role culture and art can play in its evolution. The Plants: Meadows, Shrublands, and Woodlands Ian Caton and Larry Weaner


Roadsides as Habitat for Monarchs

This event has ended
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Roadsides contain potentially thousands of acres of monarch habitat with millions of stems of milkweed hosts, but they also present risks. Emilie will discuss her research over the past five years investigating costs and benefits of roadside habitat. Webinars are first come, first served, with a capacity of 500 attendees. Register here. Free


Nature Hour -- Bicycling With Butterflies

This event has ended
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

In 2017, Sara Dykman became the first person to follow �" by bicycle �" the eastern population of monarch butterflies on their round-trip, multinational, multi-generational migration. From Mexico to Canada and back, her 10,201 mile adventure, on a beat-up bicycle, was a call to action. “The monarchs need us,” Dykman explained, “they can't call politicians to demand healthy prairies or rally for native gardens. But we can. We might not be able to fly like butterflies, but we can bike alongside them, and be their voice. In this special Nature Hour, Sara will regale us with the story of her monumental journey, the complex science behind the monarch's dwindling numbers, and the hope and inspiration of what we all can do to make a difference in the fight to help these spectacular and vital creatures. Register


Botanical Bullies and PA's Controlled Plant and Noxious Weed Law

This event has ended
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Botany and Weed Specialist Trilby Libhart, who works with invasive and noxious plant species for the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, will discuss and answer questions about Pennsylvania's Controlled Plant and Noxious Weed Law.

What will you learn?

What is Pennsylvania's Controlled Plant and Noxious Weed Law How Pennsylvania's Controlled Plant and Noxious Weed Law could impact you What are controlled plants and noxious weeds What is Pennsylvania's noxious weed list Who maintains Pennsylvania's noxious weed list Free. Register 


Keystone Species for Pollinator-Perfect Gardens s

This event has ended
Saturday, March 26th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Do you want to bring more butterflies, birds, and bees into your garden? Join Leah Brooks, a backyard habitat enthusiast and public programs assistant at Mt. Cuba, to find out which plants will give you the most bang for your buck. Bring a list of your favorites to the nursery this spring and create the ultimate pollinator-friendly garden. This program is part of our Spring Gardening Saturday Series and takes place in-person Saturday, March 26. $19 Register

April 2022


Stoneleigh Garden Plant Sale

This event has ended
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Shop online during the month of April, and then pick out your pre-purchased plants on April 30 or May 1 at Stoneleigh. While you are onsite picking up your plant order, you can browse a selection of surplus plants, connect with fellow plant lovers, seek gardening advice from our experts… or simply enjoy a beautiful spring day at Stoneleigh. April 7th �" 8th: plant preview. Plants will not be available to purchase during this time, but it's a great opportunity to select the ones you plan on ordering during the sale! April 8th: last day to become a Natural Lands' member for Saturday's members-only sale. Not a Natural Lands member? Plants sell out fast, so don't miss out on your favorite selections. Join by April 8th to receive your special access code for Saturday's sale. Become a member below! April 9th: sale opens for Natural Lands members only The sale opens at 8:00 am. All current Natural Lands' members are welcome to shop one-day early to the plant sale. Members will receive an email with the access code needed to enter the plant sale. See below for more information. April 10 �" 15th: sale open to general public. Everyone is invited to shop the sale beginning April 10th. Plant sale will close on April 15th or when sold out.


Native Plants -- The Good, Better, and Best

This event has ended
Tuesday, April 12th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join Melissa Reckner, Brandywine Conservancy Penguin Court's Program Manager, as she shares the importance of native plants, offers some tips for adding them to your landscape, and highlights select species, many of which will be offered for sale during Penguin Court's Native Plant Sales. This is a "Pay What You Wish" program with proceeds benefiting Penguin Court, a Preserve of Brandywine Conservancy located in Westmoreland County. Webinar; register 


A New Garden Ethic

This event has ended
Wednesday, April 13th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Benjamin Vogt, Author, A New Garden Ethic: Cultivating Defiant Compassion for an Uncertain Future In a time of mass extinction and climate change, how and for whom we garden matters more than ever. Our built landscapes reflect the dominant ethos of our society�"they are too often made to meet the needs and desires of humans without consideration for the diversity of other species with whom we share our planet. What would happen if our society not only developed compassion for other species but recognized and advocated for their inherent worth? Benjamin Vogt will explore why our gardens are ideal settings to cultivate this compassion, and how they can help us grow into our fullest potential as stewards of life. Free; register


Garden Tour, Doylestown Township

This event has ended
Thursday, April 14th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Home Garden Tour

Visit a chapter member's 5-acre property, located on the Neshaminy Creek, which is being transitioned to a fully native landscape. Half of the property is floodplain with multiple small creeks and wet areas. The other half is wooded slopes and gardens adjacent to the house. The last 2 years have been spent on invasive plant removal and replanting native trees, shrubs, and perennials. We will walk the multiple paths criss-crossing the property. Wear boots or shoes that you don't mind getting a little dirty, in the event the grounds are wet. Limited to 12 participants. To register, email [email protected]


Wildflower Walk: Spring Ephemerals at Shenks Ferry

This event has ended
Saturday, April 16th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join Lancaster Conservancy as we take in the beauty of early spring at this renowned wildflower preserve! Spring ephemerals sprout, grow, bloom, and die before the forest canopy leafs out, in a strategy to take advantage of the sunlight that reaches the early spring forest floor. This hike will explore Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve, renowned for the 70 species of spring wildflower it protects. Naturalist Keith Williams will lead us through the preserve, pointing out the numerous native ephemeral wildflowers and the critical role they play in this ecosystem along the way. Where to meet: Parking area at the end of Green Hill Rd What to expect: This will be an easy 3 mile out and back hike with some gradual climbs and is open to all ages. A port-o-john is available on site. The event will run rain or shine. Severe weather cancellations will be made at the time of the event. What to bring: Dress for the weather.


Lawn to Meadow

This event has ended
Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Visit Leslie Duthie's lawn murder in south central Massachusetts and learn the techniques she used to kill the lawn and turn it into a meadow. She will detail the steps she used to transform the space. What were the pitfalls? What were the high points? You'll see the species chosen for the site �" both annual and perennial. Then find out what Leslie's plans are for the future of the yard and how she will make it more wildlife and pollinator friendly. Ecological Landscape Alliance webinar. Register.


April Showers Bring May Flowers

This event has ended
Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join Brandywine Conservancy Penguin Court's Program Manager, Melissa Reckner, for a presentation about several of the native wildflowers you might spy in Pennsylvania this spring! Webinar; register


Soils and Compost

This event has ended
Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Spring is here and the plants are putting out their new growth. We all understand that plant health is directly correlated to soil health �" so how do we keep the soil healthy to support our plants? Join us as we talk with Andrew Brousseau from Black Earth Compost to discuss soils, fertilizer, and compost. During this 45-minute live Zoom Q&A, Andrew will provide a quick overview of the “Bread Oven” method of composting for your yard or farm. Then he will jump right into your questions for the bulk of the Q&A session. Ecological Landscape Alliance webinar. Register.


Spring Ephemerals Stroll

This event has ended
Thursday, April 21st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Led by Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens staff, in partnership with Radnor Conservancy. Join us to enjoy our native spring ephemerals at Jenkins. Spring is a magical time of year when the forest floor comes to life with colorful and complex wildflowers. Join us for an ecological exploration of the season with a focus on its harbingers, our native spring ephemerals. Get up-close with our most fleeting flowers while discovering cultural information, fun facts, and identification tips. Free of charge; registration is required


Invasive Plants, Pollinators, and Herbicides

This event has ended
Thursday, April 21st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

How do invasive plants and herbicides affect native pollinators? Celia Vuocolo, Private Lands Biologist with Quail Forever, will discuss how invasive plants affect our native pollinators, including bees and butterflies. Joining her will be Blue Ridge PRISM's program director Beth Mizell, who will explore the exposure pathways of herbicides and how they affect pollinators. They will also cover strategies on how to mitigate the possible impacts of herbicides to pollinators during invasive plant management.

You can submit your questions for Celia and Beth beforehand (during registration), or ask them live during the webinar.

Presented by Blue Ridge Prism Free; register  


Earth Day of Action

This event has ended
Friday, April 22nd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Climbers Run, Climbers Run Nature Center 226 Frogtown Road, Pequea, PA, 17565 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Get out and give back at our 2022 Earth Day of Action at Climbers Run Nature Preserve! About this event The bad news: Invasive plants take over ecosystems, out-compete native vegetation, and cause reductions in biodiversity. The good news: we can fix this problem by removing invasive plants! What better way to give back this Earth Day than to help support the amazing biodiversity found at Climbers Run Nature Center. We will use pruners to clip out invasive multiflora rose plants from the Climbers Run floodplain. This work is not physically demanding but does involve plants with thorns as you might guess from its name (multiflora ROSE). Where to meet: The barn at Climbers Run Nature Center What to expect: This event is for ages 8 and up. Work at your own pace removing muliflora rose and other invasives. A bathroom is available on site. This event will happen rain or shine. Cancellation for severe weather will happen at the time of the event. What to bring: Dress for the weather and bring work gloves if you have them. We will have gloves available if you need them. Regiration required.


Keystone Wildflowers Native Plant Sale

This event has ended
Saturday, April 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Keystone Wildflowers, 675 Hill Road, Robesonia, PA, 19551 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

We are hosting a spring native plant sale at our Robesonia, Pa. greenhouse on Saturday, April 23 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. We will have an abundance of native perennial plants for sale. Appointments are required for this event to ensure we are available to answer all your questions. We encourage you to come prepared with details about where you'll be planting. This could include soil type (sandy, silt, clay), amount of sunlight (morning sun, afternoon sun, full shade), and amount of space. Note: We are limiting three parties for every 30-minute appointment slot. You may stay as long as you need to select your plants! The event will be outdoors, and our greenhouse doors will be open. There is plenty of space to social distance in our greenhouse.


Plant Walk -- Spring Plants at Horn Farm

This event has ended
Saturday, April 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Horn Farm, 4945 Horn Road, York, PA, 17406 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Deepen your relationship with the land by understanding the cyclic rhythm of the harvest seasons, starting in the spring. In this class we will meet some of the spring flora of the area and learn the skills needed to identify them in the field as well as how to harvest and utilize them. Please dress appropriately for the outdoors and off trail walking. A pencil and notebook is recommended. Registration required.


Rodale Institute Earth Day Celebration and Plant Sale

This event has ended
Saturday, April 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Rodale Institute, 611 Siegfriedale Road, Kutztown, PA, 19530 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

For the first time, we are combining our Cold Crop Plant Sale and our Earth Day Celebration into one event�"the perfect way to kick off spring! At the plant sale, visitors will find everything they need for their spring garden: organic cold crops (plants that thrive in cool or cold temperatures) such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, chard, and herbs, bags of Rodale Institute's premium screened compost, organic seeds, and how-to gardening books. Customers can also get the latest seasonal tips from our expert gardeners. And to celebrate Earth Day, we will have local craft vendors and food trucks, educational kids' activities, live music, two screenings of the film “To Which We Belong,” yoga activities, and opportunities for volunteers to assist with farm chores.


Native Plant Sale and Swap

This event has ended
Saturday, April 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Briar Bush Nature Center, 1212 Edge Hill Road, Abington, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Briar Bush Earth Fest, Abington Bird Town You can help wildlife by planting native plants. Bring one - get one. For every native plant you  bring, you get another for free. If you don't have plants to share, plants will be available to purchase. Native perennials, seedlings, tubers, and seeds will be accepted. Info


Terrific Trilliums

This event has ended
Saturday, April 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt. Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Mt. Cuba Center's premier collection of native trilliums provides a spectacular floral display each spring. Amy Highland, Director of Collections, presents an informative overview of our efforts to protect and conserve this iconic genus and discusses their culture and care as garden plants. A tour of our woodland gardens to see these jewels of the forest floor completes the day. Register


Philadelphia Master Gardeners Plant Sale

This event has ended
Sunday, April 24th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Fairmount Park Horticulture Center, 100 N. Horticultural Drive, Philadelphia, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

The Philadelphia County Penn State Master Gardeners' annual Garden Day & Plant Sale returns with an in-person event scheduled for Sunday, April 24, 2022! This year, we will be selling a variety of affordable seedlings and native plants with beautiful blooms. Choose from 100s of varieties of unique veggies, herbs, native plants, and pollinators for all kinds of light and moisture conditions. All plants have been carefully cultivated by Penn State Master Gardeners and proceeds support our educational programs in Philadelphia. Philadelphia Master Gardeners will also host gardening workshops & demonstrations throughout the day. There's something for the entire family! Check back for workshop details and the final schedule of workshops over the coming weeks. This is an outdoor event and will be held rain or shine. We will strictly adhere to any COVID-19 health & safety protocols set by the City of Philadelphia.


Got Mud? Solutions for Backyard Water Woes

This event has ended
Sunday, April 24th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Doylestown Township Building, 425 Wells Rd, Doylestown, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Free workshop presented by Bucks County Conservation District.


Natives Can Love Containers Too!

This event has ended
Tuesday, April 26th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

No yard…no problem! Native plants can not only survive but thrive in containers. Join Julia Steiner, Environmental Educator for Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art, to learn more about native plants suited for containers and suggestions on ways to incorporate more native plants into your smaller growing spaces. A demonstration will be offered to highlight some of the plant varieties that will be available for sale at Brandywine's in-person plant sale held over Mother's Day Weekend. This event is open to the public and may be recorded. It is a "pay what you wish" program with proceeds benefitting Brandywine Conservancy's education and outreach. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Thank you for considering a donation.


Spring Groundcovers

This event has ended
Tuesday, April 26th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

Kick mulch to the curb and plant a tapestry of hardy native plants for a more visually appealing and ecologically valuable landscape. Discover which attractive, tough, and versatile groundcovers will bring spring and early summer appeal to your yard this year. Gardeners of all levels will benefit from this addition to their horticultural expertise. Mt Cuba Center Register


Brandywine Conservancy Spring Garden Walk

This event has ended
Wednesday, April 27th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join our expert horticulturists for a guided walk through the gardens on the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art campus. As the plant world awakens from its winter slumber, the green growth and flowers of early blooming plants is an exciting time in the garden. See spring ephemerals and trees blooming, plus learn how these native plants function in a healthy ecosystem. Tickets


Boots in the Field, Boots in the Lab

This event has ended
Wednesday, April 27th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Updating the Conservation Status of Rare Plants Throughout Pennsylvania Pennsylvania's unique geological history has given rise to impressive levels of plant diversity, but development, invasive species, and climate change threaten this diversity. The state now recognizes sixty percent of our plant species as rare, threatened, or endangered. Bucknell University partners with the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program to conserve native species and combat population declines. We use field assessments and population genomics methods to provide scientifically informed knowledge to update and revise the conservation status of rare and endangered plant species throughout Pennsylvania. Register  


University of Delaware Spring Plant Sale

This event has ended
Friday, April 29th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Univ. Delaware College of Agriculture, 531 South College Avenue 152 Townsend Hall, Newark, DE, 19716 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

UDBG will celebrate its 30th Benefit Spring Plant Sale in 2022 with Clethra as our featured shrub group and Heuchera as our herbaceous plant. Patrons and Members receive 10% off entire plant purchase on Friends Member Day. Thank you for making our spring and summer plant sales great successes! If you wish to be on the plant sale email list, send notification to: [email protected].


Lancaster Native Plant and Wildlife Festival

This event has ended
Saturday, April 30th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Manheim Township Overlook Park, 2040 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Speaker & Programs (Location TBD): 9:00am �" Raven Ridge Wildlife Center (Live Native Species!) 10:30am �" Trout in the Classroom with Katherine Harnish, Penn Manor School District 11:30am �" Penn State Master Gardener's “Jumping Worms” 12:30pm �" “Tour of Overlook Park Habitat Rehabilitation” with Lamonte Garber of Stroud Water Research Center Native Plant Nurseries Vendors & Nonprofit Organizations More information


Mt Cuba Center Wildflower Weekend

This event has ended
Saturday, April 30th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Experience a magnificent display of native spring blooms at the peak of their glory; enjoy three days of live music, gardening activities, outdoor family programming, and more. A variety of food selections and native plants will be available for purchase, while supplies last. View the full schedule and buy tickets at


Nuts and Bolts of Successful Containers

This event has ended
Saturday, April 30th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Whether you garden only in containers or want to make them a featured part of your garden grounds, this course presents the fundamental techniques of planting and caring for them all season long. Learn Daryl's professional approach to getting started with containers and keeping them looking great from start to finish. Webinar. Registration required

May 2022


Urban Landscape Inspirations from Native Plant Communities

This event has ended
Wednesday, May 4th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Ethan Dropkin, Associate, Larry Weaner Landscape Associates Whether at ground level or high above the city streets, growing plants in an urban setting imposes stress, both for the plants and the people maintaining them. We too often turn to a small palette of non-native species that are over-used and have little to no ecological value. Ethan Dropkin will illustrate how by using existing native plant communities found in naturally stressed ecological environments to guide us, we can use urban conditions to our advantage and create resilient, ecologically-sound plantings. Free; register


May Chapter Meeting

This event has ended
Wednesday, May 4th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Chapter Meeting

Spring is here! Tear yourself away from your plantings and all the magic that is happening outside at this amazing time and join us for our monthly chapter meeting. Marc Radell, WO SEPA chapter member and Penn State Extension Master Gardener Emeritus, will give our main presentation, 'How to Design and Plan a Natural Home Landscape'. We're looking forward to hearing what you have going on in your landscapes - from the beautifully blooming spring ephemerals to the newly leafing-out woodies. Feel free to share pictures of things you're excited about. Members will receive an email with the zoom invitation. If you are not a member and would like to attend, please email us at [email protected] to receive the zoom information.


Lancaster County Master Gardeners plant sale

This event has ended
Saturday, May 7th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Master Gardeners Plant Sale, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Shop early with over 3,000 plants for sale.  Wagons available to hold your selections while shopping. A volunteer will help load your purchase into your car if assistance is needed. Proceeds from the sale support the Master Gardener programs supporting the Lancaster County community.


Bucks County Master Gardeners Plant Sale

This event has ended
Saturday, May 7th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Middletown Grange Fairgrounds, 576 Penns Park Rd, Newtown, PA, 18940 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Annuals, vegetables, herbs, perennials, woody plants, and water garden plants. Many plants donated by Master Gardeners. For more information, email: [email protected]


Central Pennsylvania Native Plant Festival

This event has ended
Saturday, May 7th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Boal Mansion, 163 Boal Estate Drive, Boalsburg, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Mark your calendars and plan on joining us!! 10:00 - 3:00 -  Plant Sale - No Early Sales!  Check out our list of vendors. 10:00 - 3:00 - Information Tables - get answers to your gardening questions and meet other organizations committed to native plants 11:00 - 2:00 - Live music with folk rock duo Asbury Lane 11:00 - From Dirty Dozen to Birdy Dozen: Replacing Problematic Non-Natives in Your Landscape Learn about twelve of the most invasive plants in the  PA nursery trade and a dozen native alternatives to make your landscape more bird and pollinator-friendly.  Presented by Chad Clem and Laura Jackson 1:00 - Environmental Yardistry: Incorporating Keystone Plants to Support Biodiversity in Your Yard Join biologist, artist, and Ohio transplant Kristy Gallo as she highlights her efforts to convert her suburban Columbus yard to native prairie. Gallo will touch on her experiences using soil as her canvas to create a space that is both pollinator friendly and pleasing to the eye and spirit. She'll discuss the importance of incorporating keystone plants to support a vast biodiversity within your yard, and detail the techniques she used to create her award-winning native plant garden.  Presented by Kristy Gallo - an artist, Biology major and recent transplant to Pennsylvania. Both art and nature have been a passion and a source of sanctuary for Gallo throughout life.  Exchanging a paint brush for a spade, soil has become her new canvas.  Artistically inspired and environmentally driven, Kristy is committed to protecting and restoring native ecosystems.


Summer Invasive Plant Workshop

This event has ended
Tuesday, May 10th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join Blue Ridge PRISM for "Summer Invasive Plant Workshop: Identification" The online workshop will provide an introduction to invasive plants and will help you to confidently identify different species in the summer season. This session will be led by Rod Walker and will take place via Zoom. Register soon because space is limited. $10


Get the "Dirt" on Soil

This event has ended
Wednesday, May 11th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Soil is alive with microorganisms that help provide our garden plants with the all-important nutrients and water they need. Learn how to take a more holistic view of soil, improve soil quality using compost instead of fertilizers, interpret a soil test report, and create a living soil that you'll reap the benefits of for years to come. Mt Cuba Center, on line. $19. Register.


Get Out and Give Back

This event has ended
Wednesday, May 11th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Climbers Run Nature Center, 226 Frogtown Road, Pequea, PA, 17565 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Get out and give back by removing invasives and supporting the amazing biodiversity at Climbers Run Nature Center. Where to Meet: The barn at Climbers Run Nature Center What to Expect: We will use pruners to clip out invasive multi flora rose plants from the Climbers Run flood plain. This work is not physically demanding but does involve plants with thorns (multiflora ROSE). Recommended for ages 8 and up. There are restroom facilities onsite. This event will run rain or shine, with cancellations for severe weather being made at the time of the event. What to Bring: Dress for the weather and bring work gloves if you have them. We will have gloves available if you need them. Bring water and snacks to help fuel your work!


The Nature of Oaks

This event has ended
Thursday, May 12th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Oaks sustain a complex and fascinating web of wildlife. The Nature of Oaks reveals what is going on in oak trees month by month, highlighting the seasonal cycles of life, death, and renewal. From woodpeckers who collect and store hundreds of acorns for sustenance to the beauty of jewel caterpillars, Professor Doug Tallamy illuminates and celebrates the wonders that occur right in our own backyards. He also shares practical advice about how to plant and care for an oak, along with information about the best oak species for your area. The Nature of Oaks will inspire you to treasure these trees and to act to nurture and protect them. A short reception and book signing will follow in the conservatory. Books will be available for purchase or you may bring your own copy.  


Lesser Known Native Shrubs for Your Garden

This event has ended
Friday, May 13th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt. Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

These shrubs and small trees are truly garden-worthy standouts for your home landscape. From the lesser-known pagoda dogwood to the gray dogwood, to the chokeberries and viburnums, these plants provide beauty and structure to your garden, while also providing diverse food sources for your local birds. There is something for every segment of your yard, from sun to shade and dry to wet. Discover less-common native plants that will bring your garden to life by attracting birds and butterflies, adding song and movement to the oasis you create in your own yard. Mt Cuba Center, $29. Register.


Keystone Wildflowers Native Plant Sale

This event has ended
Saturday, May 14th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Keystone Wildflowers, 675 Hill Road, Robesonia, PA, 19551 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

We are hosting a spring native plant sale at our Robesonia, Pa. greenhouse on Saturday, May 14 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. We will have many native perennial plants for sale. Pre-orders are encouraged. Appointments are required for this event to ensure we are available to answer all your questions. We encourage you to come prepared with details about where you'll be planting. This could include soil type (sandy, silt, clay), amount of sunlight (morning sun, afternoon sun, full shade), and amount of space. Note: We are limiting three parties for every 30-minute appointment slot. You may stay as long as you need to select your plants! The event will be outdoors, and our greenhouse doors will be open. There is plenty of space to social distance in our greenhouse.


Montgomery County Master Gardeners Plant Sale

This event has ended
Saturday, May 14th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Penn State Extension/4H, 1015 Bridge Rd, Collegeville, PA, 19426 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Thousands of popular and specialty plants: perennials, annuals, shrubs, trees, herbs, vegetables, natives, pond plants, Master Gardener-grown favorites, and more! Rain or shine�"all plants sold under cover. Cash, check, and credit card accepted. For more information, call: 610-489-4315


Chester County Master Gardeners Plant Sale

This event has ended
to (Eastern Time)
East Bradford Township Building, 667 Copeland School Rd, West Chester, PA, 19382 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Houseplants, perennials (including pollinator plants and rain garden plants), annuals, shrubs, vegetables, herbs, and native plants. Free seed packet for the first 75 purchasers; mini-presentations and garden counseling. For more information, call: 610-696-3500


The Importance of Protecting Natural Habitats

This event has ended
Saturday, May 14th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Media-Upper Providence Free Library, 1 E Front St, Media, PA, 19063 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Keep Media Green will be bringing Dr. Doug Tallamy, of the University of Delaware's Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, to the Media-Upper Providence Free Library on Sat, May 14th at 2PM to speak about the importance of protecting natural habitats and biodiversity. The talk will be free but space will be limited so if you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Terry Rumsey at [email protected] right away. Dr. Tallamy's lecture is co-sponsored by Keep Media Green, Transition Town Media, and the Media-Upper Providence Free Library. There will be a reception with Dr. Tallamy at 4pm that afternoon. Tickets for the reception will be $50 per person, as a fundraiser for KMG. Space is limited so you should reserve your space now.


Designing With Natives Garden Tour Members Only

This event has ended
Thursday, May 19th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Stoneleigh, 1829 East County Line Road, Villanova, PA, 19085 Map

Members Only

With soaring trees, expansive vistas, and dynamic displays of native plants, Stoneleigh is a celebration of the natural world.  Once a family home, now a public garden, Stoneleigh celebrates the beauty of native plants and the importance of biodiversity.  We hope to inspire our guests to think about how gardening in concert with nature is essential to improving the health of our planet.  Ethan Kauffman will conduct a tour of the gardens at Stoneleigh and talk about designing with a broad palette of native plants. Wild ones members only (any chapter) Register by emailing us at [email protected]


Hike the Mt Cuba Center to Ashland Loop

This event has ended
Friday, May 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Reconnect with nature in this exceptional behind-the-scenes trek through Mt. Cuba Center's natural areas with Joe Sebastiani, Manager at Ashland Nature Center, and Mt. Cuba Center's Natural Lands staff. Along the way, enjoy scouting for birds, discovering native spring ephemerals, exploring old-field meadows, and learning about several Natural Lands projects and experiments. Be prepared for a four-mile hike through hilly terrain. Dress for the weather; bring binoculars, a water bottle, and lunch. $35. This program takes place in-person (in Mt. Cuba Center natural lands) Friday, May 20 (Rain Date: Friday, May 27)


Knowing Native Plants: Flowering Shrubs

This event has ended
Saturday, May 21st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Bowmans Hill Wildflower Preserve, 1635 River Rd, New Hope, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

The Mid-Atlantic region has a stunning display of spring flowering native shrubs that fill the Bowmans Hill Wildflower Preserve and surrounding natural areas with color and fragrance every year. Join Naturalist Mary Anne Borge to learn about our native shrubs, their wildlife value and landscape beauty. Registration Fees: In-Person: $30 Virtual: $25 Online registration for this program closes 12 hours before the start of the class. If you need help with registration, please email [email protected]. If you need assistance with your membership code, please contact [email protected]. You will receive an email with a Zoom meeting invitation before the program begins and after registration closes.


Native Plant Garden Tour

This event has ended
Saturday, May 21st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

Join Abington Bird Town for special visits to home gardens that showcase native plants, featuring a different garden each month.  Register for each free tour. Garden location provided upon registration. Everyone can help wildlife by planting easy-to-grow native plants. See the beauty of these plants in home garden settings. Learn about the benefits of native plants.
Sponsored by Abington EAC, Wyncote Audubon Society, Bird Town Pennsylvania, and Collins Nursery.


Rain Garden Design

This event has ended
Thursday, May 26th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Bowmans Hill Wildflower Preserve Storms are happening more frequently and dumping more rain per event. This leads to the headache of flooding in your yard or home. Learn from Olivia Spildooren about the benefits of installing rain gardens or rain barrels on your property to reduce flooding as well as protect the health of your watershed! Webinar. $15. Register.


Spring Life At Welsh Mountain Nature Center

This event has ended
Tuesday, May 31st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Welsh Mountain Nature Preserve, 835 Gault Road , New Holland, PA, 17519 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Lancaster Conservancy  $15  Register Welsh Mountain is an interesting forest ecosystem that contains plants not found anywhere else in the region. Join Keith Williams, naturalist and community engagement coordinator, to explore this magical place in spring when (hopefully!) the mountain laurel are in bloom, along with a few species of orchid, and other spring delights along the way. Where to Meet: The parking lot at Welsh Mountain Nature Preserve, 835 Gault Rd, East Earl, PA What to Expect: This is a moderate three-mile hike over rocky trails with a few gentle hills. Recommended for ages 12 and up. There are no restroom facilities at this preserve. The event will run rain or shine, with any severe weather cancellations happening at the time of the event. What to Bring: Dress for the weather and bring drinking water and snacks.

June 2022


Carex for Every Garden

This event has ended
Wednesday, June 1st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Carex are a diverse and versatile, yet underutilized genus of native plants that are overflowing with garden merit. They can fill various niches in landscapes as groundcovers and living mulch, while some can even be used on their own as specimen plants. Traditionally thought of as shade perennials, some Carex species exhibit remarkable tolerances to full sun as well, making them a viable and worthy addition to the garden. Sam Hoadley, Manager of Horticultural Research, will offer a preview of top-performing Carex from Mt. Cuba Center's Trial Garden and will discuss strategies and examples of how to successfully incorporate Carex in your home garden. A tour of the Carex trial completes the class. $29  Register


Top 10 Native Vines

This event has ended
Friday, June 3rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Help your garden reach new heights with native vines! Whether scrambling over a split rail fence or cascading from a rustic arbor, vines provide depth, structure, and visual interest to a garden. Learn how to use and grow ten native species that enhance the ecological value of the landscape by providing shelter, food, and nectar to resident and visiting wildlife. This is a great class for the beginning gardener. $29 Register.


Knowing Native Plants: Focus on Ferns

This event has ended
Saturday, June 4th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Bowmans Hill Wildflower Preserve, 1635 River Rd, New Hope, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

There are some native plants, such as ferns, that don't flower at all. In this popular program, Ed Lignowski, Ph.D., will teach you to identify many native ferns. He will highlight their evolutionary history and unusual reproductive habits, as well as their natural habitats and usefulness in native plant gardens. In person $30, virtual $25 Register


Attracting Wildlife to Small-Scale Gardens

This event has ended
Sunday, June 5th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

By planting native species, a typical suburban lot can be transformed into a safe haven for local fauna. However, wildlife value is not equal across all native plants. Join Leah Brooks as she discusses how to choose native plant compositions that will maximize the wildlife value of your small space. From blueberry to goldenrod, explore a variety of native perennials that will turn your yard into a bird and pollinator paradise. A garden walk to view the plants is included. $29  Register


Hummingbirds in Your Garden

This event has ended
Thursday, June 9th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Make your garden a haven for hummingbirds with a great selection of native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees. Learn their fascinating life cycle, and how to create a garden with the ideal habitats, nesting requirements, and food sources that attract these stunning creatures from summer through fall. $29  Register


June Chapter Meeting

This event has ended
Thursday, June 9th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Chapter Meeting Home Garden Tour

Join us on Thursday, June 9, at 7:00 p.m. for a hybrid in-person and Zoom meeting, which will include a tour of a member's garden in the Phoenixville area. Members will receive a zoom invitation a few days before the meeting.


Garden for Monarch Butterflies

This event has ended
Friday, June 10th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Redbud Native Plant Nursery, 904 N. Providence Road, Media, PA, 19063 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Monarchs still need our help! Learn how to support the migration and reproduction of these iconic butterflies in your space. Planting designer Michelle Detwiler will present her favorite native plants to feed all life stages of these winged beauties and give tips on planting design for the most productive habitat for monarch caterpillars. Free; information.


Carex for Every Garden

This event has ended
Saturday, June 11th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Carex are a diverse and versatile, yet underutilized genus of native plants that are overflowing with garden merit. They can fill various niches in landscapes as groundcovers and living mulch, while some can even be used on their own as specimen plants. Traditionally thought of as shade perennials, some Carex species exhibit remarkable tolerances to full sun as well, making them a viable and worthy addition to the garden. Sam Hoadley, Manager of Horticultural Research, will offer a preview of top-performing Carex from Mt. Cuba Center's Trial Garden and will discuss strategies and examples of how to successfully incorporate Carex in your home garden. A tour of the Carex trial completes the class. $29. Register


Instant Butterfly Garden

This event has ended
Wednesday, June 15th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Attracting butterflies to your yard is a great way to increase the ecological value of your property and connect with the natural world. Serah Pesce, Assistant Horticulturist at Mt. Cuba, discusses plants that provide food for adult butterflies and their caterpillars and how to create suitable habitats for these ephemeral beauties. Take home five floriferous native plants and easy-to-use instructions for making a butterfly garden of your own. (Class size is limited.) $59  Register


Healthy Habitats Contained

This event has ended
Wednesday, June 15th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Redbud Native Plant Nursery, 904 N. Providence Road, Media, PA, 19063 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Interested in attracting birds, butterflies and beneficial insects to your garden but short on space or time? In this creative and ecologically-minded demonstration, you will learn techniques for designing a native plant container garden suited to your specific micro-climate. You'll get lots of easy, take-home tips and helpful tools to assemble a healthy habitat using low maintenance native plants for sun or shade. Color, form, texture and placement are a few of the topics covered in this four season approach to creating unique focal points in your landscape that are environmentally friendly too. Marcia's container planting demonstration will inspire you to express your own personal garden style. Free; register.


Designed for Nature Garden Tour

This event has ended
Saturday, June 18th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

The Tour, showcasing five Doylestown area residential gardens in transition to the use of native plantings and creative water management, is sponsored by the Bucks County Branch of the Woman's National Farm & Garden Association in partnership with Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve (BHWP). Volunteers and Guests will follow CDC COVID guidelines.  Tickets ($10 advance, $15 day of event) and updates are available at


Invasive Species ID and Management

This event has ended
Saturday, June 18th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Bowmans Hill Wildflower Preserve, 1635 River Rd, New Hope, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

What is an invasive plant? What problems do invasive plants cause? Join Naturalist Mary Anne Borge to learn the answers to these questions, as well as how to identify the most common and troublesome invasive plant species in the Delaware Valley region. You'll also learn about several alternatives for control of these exotic intruders, many without the use of chemicals. In person $30, virtual $25 Register


Create a Bog Garden Planter

This event has ended
Saturday, June 18th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Edge of the Woods Nursery, 2415 Route 100, Orefield, PA, 18069 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Create a container bog garden with an assortment of carnivorous and moisture loving plants.  The class is limited to 10 participants. Cost of event includes planter, plants, bog media, and lots of information! We will discuss some fascinating fun facts and tidbits about bogs and the plants that inhabit them.  Planters will include a native pitcher plant, sundew, and several other unusual bog species including orchids (6 plants total)! Plants and planters are provided �" 14.5″ diameter x 5.75″ tall (terracotta colored plastic, with saucer). If you wish to bring your OWN container, feel free (but please don't bring a container too huge, as we have a limited amount of bog soil). We will also have lots of other bog plants for sale in our display area, which you can browse and purchase as well. $95


Pollinator Week

This event has ended
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Pollinator Week is an annual celebration in support of pollinator health that was initiated and is managed by Pollinator Partnership. It is a time to raise awareness for pollinators and spread the word about what we can do to protect them. The great thing about Pollinator Week is that you can celebrate and get involved any way you like! Popular events include planting for pollinators, hosting garden tours, participating in online bee and butterfly ID workshops, and so much more. However you choose to celebrate this year, be sure to register your event on the map below, and share your story with us by tagging us on social media using the hashtag #PollinatorWeek.


American Chestnut Orchard at Edge of the Woods

This event has ended
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Edge of the Woods Nursery, 2415 Route 100, Orefield, PA, 18069 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join Steve Delp of the The American Chestnut Foundation for a workshop on the history of the American Chestnut and what The American Chestnut Foundation is doing to help restore this majestic tree to its original range along the Appalachian Mountains. The workshop will take place at Edge of the Woods Native Plant Nursery, in our chestnut orchard. The orchard is comprised of wild-type American chestnuts. The orchard does not contain any genetically modified trees, or trees that are hybrid back-crosses with the Chinese or Asian Chestnut. Participants will learn about the breeding work being done in the research orchards and the current status of efforts to restore the American chestnut to the forests of the Mid-Atlantic and beyond. It will be held outside in the open air adjacent to our Chestnut Orchard. Chestnut Seedlings will be available for sale. Dress for the weather and bring a lawn chair if you would like to sit. If it is sunny or hot don't forget sunscreen, sunhat, water. If it is damp and rainy, bring a raincoat!


Pollinator Talk at Edge of the Woods Nursery

This event has ended
to (Eastern Time)
Edge of the Woods Nursery, 2415 Route 100, Orefield, PA, 18069 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join us for a short orientation talk for getting your garden certified as 'Pollinator Friendly' by the Penn State Extension Program. (Pennsylvania residents only).  This is a short explanation of the program and an introduction to pollinator plants in the nursery. We will be walking about the nursery during this talk. No Registration necessary.


Pollinator Talk at Edge of the Woods Nursery

This event has ended
to (Eastern Time)
Edge of the Woods Nursery, 2415 Route 100, Orefield, PA, 18069 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join us for a short orientation talk for getting your garden certified as 'Pollinator Friendly' by the Penn State Extension Program. (Pennsylvania residents only).  This is a short explanation of the program and an introduction to pollinator plants in the nursery. We will be walking about the nursery during this talk. No Registration necessary.


Monarchs and Milkweed for Kids

This event has ended
Friday, June 24th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Bowmans Hill Wildflower Preserve, 1635 River Rd, New Hope, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Kids 3 to 6 and their adult caregivers can join a naturalist for a fun-filled morning as we discover the world of monarch butterflies and the milkweed on which they depend. We will start with a short discussion and story, then head out to explore the Preserve's meadow looking for monarchs and other butterflies that visit milkweed. Once back, we will work on a make-and-take craft that relates to our topic. Program Fee: $10 per child, $5 for each additional, $0 per adult (Members: Enter your code to receive your 20% discount) Each child must be accompanied by an adult. One adult can attend no more than two children. Walks are weather dependent; please dress for the weather.


Native Plant Garden Tour

This event has ended
Saturday, June 25th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join Abington Bird Town for special visits to home gardens that showcase native plants, featuring a different garden each month.  Register for each free tour. Garden location provided upon registration. Everyone can help wildlife by planting easy-to-grow native plants. See the beauty of these plants in home garden settings. Learn about the benefits of native plants.
Sponsored by Abington EAC, Wyncote Audubon Society, Bird Town Pennsylvania, and Collins Nursery.


Build a Backyard Bird Oasis

This event has ended
Saturday, June 25th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Develop a backyard ideal for a diversity of birds by planting a variety of native plants that provide food and habitat. Learn which plants and shrubs are the best for our local feathered friends and how to create a year-round bird oasis in your backyard, regardless of the size. $29  Register


Phoenixville Summer Garden Tour

This event has ended
Saturday, June 25th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Phoenixville Senior Center, 153 Church Street, Phoenixville, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join us for a Summer Garden Tour!  See gorgeous local front and back gardens, including herb gardens, terraces, a multi-home backyard retreat, native Pennsylvania plantings, and MOREJ  This Tour is outside to be COVID-safe. Restaurant discounts for Tour Patrons. Mostly in-town walking, but some minimal driving. Suggested donation $20.00  Payment in advance can be made online or by cash/check day of tour at starting point:  Phoenixville Senior Center, 153 Church Street where you will receive your program/map For more information call 610-469-4191 and to donate online visit


Native Alternatives to Invasive Ornamentals

This event has ended
Saturday, June 25th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Non-native invasive plants, like Japanese barberry and English ivy, damage our environment by invading natural areas and out-competing native plants. To help stop the spread, the Delaware state legislature recently passed a law that will ban the sale of 37 invasive plant species, beginning July 2022. Join Leah Brooks as she presents native alternatives to invasive ornamentals and explains how making these substitutions helps protect our ecosystems. A garden walk to view recommended plants is included. $29  Register


Monarch Research Review

This event has ended
Tuesday, June 28th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Rapid-fire Research: Key Takeaways from the MJV Monarch Research Review Presenters: Jennifer Thieme & Laura Lukens, Monarch Joint Venture Get up to speed on the latest monarch and pollinator research with Jennifer and Laura from the MJV science team. The Monarch Research Review is a volunteer-driven, annual compendium of published articles available to everyone on the MJV website. Webinars are first come, first served, with a capacity of 500 attendees.  


Milkweed for Monarchs

This event has ended
Wednesday, June 29th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Without native milkweed plants, monarch butterflies cannot survive and reproduce. Renée Kemmerer, Mt. Cuba Center Horticulturist, opens a window into the world of milkweeds, presenting many of our native species and related plants that help to create a beneficial butterfly environment. A walk through our meadow and surrounding gardens will highlight milkweeds that thrive locally. $29  Register


Volunteer Opportunity, Black Rock Sanctuary

This event has ended
Wednesday, June 29th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Black Rod Sanctuary, 953 Black Rock Rd, Phoenixville, PA, 19460 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

The objectives of this event are to Weed the 3 main beds Plant additional species (so far I have the following) Dill x3 Fennell x3 Zinnia x4 Common Milkweed x3 Joe Pye x 4 Monarda-red x 3 False sunflower x 3 Identify species planted in 2021 that have survived the season Identify those that did not. Develop a list of species to purchase and plant for the summer and a list for a fall planting. Gain ideas from the group on additional features Please dress for the weather and bring a full water bottle. Register.

July 2022


Pollinators in the Woods

This event has ended
Thursday, July 7th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Did you know that there are over 4,000 different wild bee species in the United States? Most are solitary, don't live in hives, and don't make honey. These wild, native pollinators have long evolutionary relationships with our beloved wildflowers and provide important pollination services which ensure the stability of many of our favorite fruits, nuts and vegetables. We usually think of wild pollinating bees in our gardens, flower patches and meadows, but that is not the only place they can be found! In the northeastern US, up to a third of our wild bee species prefer, and rely on, forest habitats. Some are specialized to only collect pollen and nectar from spring ephemerals on the forest floor, while others nest in rotting logs and in leaf litter deep in the woods. Bumble bees, beloved on your roses and garden plants, prefer nesting in the forest; and apple orchard pollinators regularly collect forest canopy pollen before the apple orchards bloom. Join us for an adventure exploring how wild bees use the woods�"from the leafy forest floor to the tippy top of the canopy! Bowmans Hill Wildflower Preserve, zoom, $15. Register.


Pond-in-a-Pot Container Garden

This event has ended
Sunday, July 10th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt. Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Pond pots, sometimes referred to as “still pots” nestle nicely into small spaces, such as balconies or decks, but they can also be tucked into nooks and crannies in spacious gardens. Kelly Billing, coauthor of The Water Gardener's Bible and The Lotus: Know It and Grow It, demonstrates how you can turn just about anything that holds water into a low-maintenance water garden. From lotus to waterlilies to pitcher plants and more, learn how to select plants, choose pots, conduct annual maintenance, and control mosquitos and other pests. $29. Register.


Native Plant Sale

This event has ended
Sunday, July 10th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Chester County Art Association, 100 N Bradford Ave, West Chester, PA, 19382 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Northbrook Natives is pleased to partner with the Chester County Art Association & West Chester Green Team for a native plant sale, with 10% of the proceeds donated to support their ongoing commitment to our community.


Bird Walk at Jenkins Arboretum

This event has ended
Monday, July 11th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Jenkins Arboretum, 631 Berwyn Baptist Road, Devon, PA, 19333 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join us for birding with Bonnie! Enjoy early access to Jenkins during summer breeding. Explore various habitats including woodland, pond edge and stream-side paths. Discover the GISS method to identify our feathered friends by recognizing the general impression, size, and shape of birds. Participants will learn to use their eyes, ears, and binoculars to find birds and other wildlife. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes with good traction. Rain or shine. Members: $8; Non-Members: $12 Register


Lose the Lawn, Create a Wildflower Meadow

This event has ended
Tuesday, July 12th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Learn how to enhance your property's landscaping for wildlife by creating a wildflower meadow. Lawns are monocultures that are green deserts for wildlife, offering no cover, no food (nectar, seeds, etc.), and no beauty (blooming wildflowers and lovely native grasses). Consider turning some lawn into a wildflower meadow instead. Even a small “pocket meadow” will make a big difference to wildlife. A meadow can be simple to create and Pat will share the basics. Learn how to convert lawn to meadow, how to maintain your meadow in a simple fashion over time, and how to make it acceptable and attractive to neighbors and visitors. Zoom. Free. Register.


Dragonflies: Aerial Acrobats

This event has ended
Wednesday, July 13th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt. Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Dragonflies have been around for 300 million years, with several extinct species having wingspans of over two feet! Inhabiting sites around lakes, ponds, streams, and wetlands, they are excellent predators, eating mosquitoes and other small insects. Dr. Hal White, author of Natural History of Delmarva Dragonflies and Damselflies, presents a detailed examination of the habitats that support dragonflies, as well as their lifecycle, foraging behaviors, and reproductive strategies. Tour our ponds and see how these aerial acrobats fit into our ecosystems and how you can create a place in your garden for them. $29. Register.


Ecological Explorations: Pycnanthemum

This event has ended
Thursday, July 14th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Every three years, Mt. Cuba starts a new research project in our Trial Garden. From asters to iron weed, plant groups are brought together for observation and study. But how is such a group amassed? Join Amy Highland, our Director of Collections and Conservation Lead, as she recounts her expeditions gathering mountain mints (Pycnanthemum spp.) for our next big study. Learn about each species and how to distinguish it from its brethren, all of which are much beloved by pollinators. See the various habitats where these plants were found and how they contribute to the evolution of species. This class will be rounded out with the documented uses for mountain mint both in the garden and in the home. $29  Register


A Celebration of Moths

This event has ended
Thursday, July 14th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

National Moth Week is a global-scale community science project celebrating the importance and beauty of moths and other nocturnal biodiversity. This lecture highlights the essential roles moths play in ecosystems as pollinators, links in food webs, decomposers and their importance to humans. Learn about conservation threats to moths and how to attract them for close observation. We will also discuss how and where to participate in and contribute data to the National Moth Week project. Presented by Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve. Zoom. $15. Register.


Planting for Specialist Pollinators

This event has ended
Saturday, July 16th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Specialist pollinators need our help! Many caterpillars and bees can only utilize certain plant species for food and shelter. By including certain trees, shrubs, and wildflowers in our gardens, we can extend a lifeline to our struggling pollinators. Join Leah Brooks as she presents a variety of native perennials and the specialist pollinators that depend on them for survival. A garden walk to view the plants is included. $29  Register


Bird Walk for Families

This event has ended
Saturday, July 16th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Jenkins Arboretum, 631 Berwyn Baptist Road, Devon, PA, 1933 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join us for birding with Bonnie! Explore various habitats during summer breeding, including woodland, pond edge and stream-side paths. Discover the GISS method to identify our feathered friends by recognizing the general impression, size, and shape of birds. Participants will learn to use their eyes, ears, and binoculars to find birds and other wildlife. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes with good traction. Rain or shine. Suitable for ages 6 and up. Children must be accompanied by an adult and registration required for all family members. Members: $8; Non-Members: $12 Register


Creating a Backyard Meadow Garden

This event has ended
Wednesday, July 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Have you ever thought of transforming a portion of lawn or formal garden into a meadow? Diverse plantings of native flowers and grasses not only provide a beautiful escape from an urban concrete jungle, but also provide a valuable patchwork habitat for wildlife. This class covers the basics of creating a naturalized meadow garden�"how to choose and install plants, handle maintenance tasks, and create a harmonious and diverse garden in an urban setting, no matter the size of the space. Class will conclude with a walk to Mt. Cuba's meadow for inspiration. Students will receive a packet of seeds to take home. $35  Register  


Summer Garden Walk

This event has ended
Wednesday, July 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Brandywine Conservancy, 1 Hoffman\'s Mill Road, Chadds Ford,, PA, 19317 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join our expert horticulturists for a guided walk through the gardens on the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art campus. Throughout the growing season, different plants step up to the front of the stage to shine. In summer, many sun loving perennials are at their peak, including the incredible display of Phlox at the front of the museum. Members free, $5 nonmembers. Register.


Instant Hummingbird Garden

This event has ended
Wednesday, July 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Transform your yard into a haven for hummingbirds with a great selection of native wildflowers. Learn how to create a garden with the ideal nesting requirements and food sources that attract these flying jewels from summer through fall. Take home five tried-and-true native plants and simple instructions for making a successful hummingbird habitat at home. (Class size is limited.) $59  Register


Pennsylvania's Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plants and Their Unique Habitats

This event has ended
Thursday, July 21st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

Presented by Cheyenne Moore, Plant Conservation Network Coordinator, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Pennsylvania is home to over 3,000 plant species, and among them are hundreds of rare, threatened, and endangered species. Explore how we determine what species fit into each of those categories. Many of Pennsylvania's rare, threatened, and endangered species are associated with specialized habitats like waterways, rocky slopes, or wetlands that aren't that common in the state. Join Cheyenne Moore to discover some of the state's unique habitat types and the rare plants that live in them. Free of charge; registration is required.


North American Butterfly Association Butterfly Count

This event has ended
Saturday, July 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve, 1635 River Road, New Hope, PA, 18938 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join us for a citizen science extravaganza focusing on our fluttering friends. Why count butterflies? It helps scientists piece together the big picture of the distribution and population size of each species counted, and how they change over time. It is also a lot of fun! Join Mary Anne Borge, Preserve naturalist, who will teach you to identify the different butterflies we encounter and the native host plants they depend on for nectar and caterpillar food. Please bring binoculars or a camera with a zoom lens, and a field guide, if you have one. Make sure you have plenty of water, snacks and appropriate sun protection. Join us for all or part of the morning; all experience levels are welcome, from beginners to seasoned butterfliers. $3/participant. Register.


Exploring Native Orchids

This event has ended
Saturday, July 30th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

The Pine Barrens are not so barren after all. Orchid specialist Bob Sprague provides an extraordinary, up-close look at native orchids in their natural habitat. Explore unique sites in the New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve to see these gems as well as their botanical companions, including sphagnum moss, pitcher plants, cranberries, pitch pines, and other bog dwellers. Bring your lunch or purchase one at a unique roadside stand. Walking is minimal, but some wet terrain is likely. (Class size is limited.) $85. Register.


Knowing Native Plants: Meadow Magic

This event has ended
Saturday, July 30th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Bowmans Hill Wildflower Preserve, 1635 River Rd, New Hope, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join Naturalist Mary Anne Borge and discover, virtually, the Preserve's 4-acre meadow. This program will introduce you to native plants that thrive in a meadow habitat, including wildflowers, grasses, sedges and rushes. Learn what defines a meadow, the benefits it provides, meadow successional stages, the actions necessary to maintain a meadow and the animals that depend on this type of ecosystem. Find out why it is important to plant native species and avoid non-native ornamentals that may escape from cultivation. Whether you are looking for ideas for your own meadow or want help identifying plants in the meadows where you hike, this program is for you. In-Person: $30 Virtual: $25 Register


Moth Night

This event has ended
Saturday, July 30th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Jenkins Arboretum, 631 Berwyn Baptist Road, Devon, PA, 19333 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Discover the diversity of moths and the fun of “mothing” during this evening exploration! Join us to celebrate National Moth Week (July 23 �" 31) with local moth enthusiasts Barb Elliot and Sheryl Johnson. Learn all about moths with an indoor presentation, then head outdoors to a light station to see what we can attract for close-up viewing. Bring a flashlight or headlamp. Members: $10; Non-Members: $15 Register

August 2022


Planning a Multi-Season Garden

This event has ended
Saturday, August 6th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt. Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

The dog-days of summer are a great time for evening walks in the garden and to plan for future outdoor spaces. In this class you will discover the steps to take in designing a new all-season garden that incorporates your existing landscape features and delivers year-long interest for both you and wildlife. $19. Register.


Tree Maintenance: Tricks of the Trade

This event has ended
Saturday, August 6th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt. Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE, 19707 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join Mt. Cuba's ISA Certified Arborists®, Scott Kelly and Bill Trescott, for an outdoor workshop to learn insider tricks for practical tree and landscape care. Topics include protecting your trees from lightning, battery vs. gas power tools, deer protection (caging, staking, etc.), demystifying tree cabling, useful knots for the homeowner, basic tree risk assessment skills, and how to select an arborist for the bigger jobs. Class will be held entirely outdoors, so please dress for weather and walking. $35. Register.


Lessons Learned: Helpful Hints on your Journey into Native Plants

This event has ended
Thursday, August 11th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Over the years, Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick have interviewed some of the brightest minds in ecology and the native plant world. We are constantly reminded of the larger issues in our ecosystem, yet sometimes forget many of the small lessons we learn every day. Tom and Fran share some of their favorite lessons learned over their time on the Native Plants, Healthy Planet podcast to help make this native plant journey enjoyable. Nature is resilient and always finds a way �" so will you. Presented by Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve. Zoom. $15. Register


August Chapter Meeting

This event has ended
Thursday, August 11th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Will be Recorded Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation

Join us for a presentation about native plant guilds for four-season interest by Anna Failkoff of Wild Seed Project.  Members will receive an email with the link to the zoom presentation. If you are not a member and would like to attend, please email us at [email protected] to receive the link.


From Enthusiast to Restorationist: A Naturalist Journey

This event has ended
Thursday, August 18th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Mark will share his journey from being a homeowner interested in native plants to becoming a principal with ArcheWild, an ecological restoration firm.  This journey features high aspirations and deep disappointments. Each experience has produced valuable insights into how anyone can rapidly progress from feeling helpless to being empowered and confident in restoring a native ecosystem on their own property. Mark Brownlee is a principal with ArcheWild, a science-based ecological restoration firm. Mark also functions as the head ecologist for WildLawn, a regional firm dedicated to applying ecological restoration principles in the home landscape. Mark frequently provides training to landscape architects and civil engineers throughout the mid-Atlantic. Presented by Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve. Zoom. $15. Register  


Butterfly Festival

This event has ended
Saturday, August 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Colonial Gardens, 745 Schuylkill Road, Phoenixville, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Our annual Butterfly Festival is here and this year we will be releasing 400 monarch butterflies over the course of the day! Butterfly or not, all are welcome to attend to observe the releases, learn more about how to help monarchs, shop some amazing local crafters, and enjoy our beautiful gardens. Release times: 10AM, 12PM, 2PM, 4PM An educational seminar will occur 30 minutes prior to each release in our Barn Ruins. Hayrides will run from 10am to 4pm for $3 a person. Our gardens also feature an herbal labyrinth, Fairy Garden, Wizard of Oz set, and much more. More details to come as we get closer to our festival!


Native Plant Garden Tour

This event has ended
Saturday, August 20th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Home Garden Tour

Join Abington Bird Town for special visits to home gardens that showcase native plants, featuring a different garden each month.  Register for each free tour. Garden location provided upon registration. Everyone can help wildlife by planting easy-to-grow native plants. See the beauty of these plants in home garden settings. Learn about the benefits of native plants.
Sponsored by Abington EAC, Wyncote Audubon Society, Bird Town Pennsylvania, and Collins Nursery.


Zoom into Nature: Goldenrods and Asters

This event has ended
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

This program will discuss planting options for attracting and aiding migratory species and late season pollinators. It is especially important for our insect species to get enough food in order to make it through the winter, so what we plant and cultivate can help them reach this goal. Natural history and plant attributes will be presented. Goldenrods, asters and other late summer/fall species will be featured, as well as helpful identification information. Presented by Western Reserve Land Conservancy Free; register.


Native Plant Gardens: Designing for Beauty

This event has ended
Wednesday, August 24th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Now that we understand why native plant gardens are so important for creating habitat and supporting pollinators,  it's time to kick things up a notch! Can native plants be used to design a stunning garden? Indeed they can! Whether you are designing for an exacting client, or spiffing up your own gardens, learn some design tips and tricks for a native plant garden that is not only ecologically sustainable, but beautiful also. Register; fee for nonmembers.


Knowing Native Plants: The Amazing Aster Family, Confusing Yellow Composites

This event has ended
Saturday, August 27th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join Preserve Naturalist Mary Anne Borge as we focus on the confusing late summer and fall-blooming yellow composites, including goldenrods (Solidago spp.), sunflowers, coneflowers (Echinacea spp.) and beggar-ticks (Bidens spp.). She will cover the features that make aster family members unique, as well as the relationships these plants have with the insects, birds and other animals that depend on them. Find out which of these species might be good candidates for your own garden. Presented by Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve, zoom, $25, Register.

September 2022


Using Native Plants in the Landscape

This event has ended
Thursday, September 1st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Fasig House, 30 E High St, Manheim, PA, 17545 Map

Linda Ferich of the Lancaster Conservancy's Community Wildlife Habitat Program will provide FREE informal presentations about using native plants in the landscape, information about the program, and FREE native plants. Presented by Pennsylvania Native Plant Society.


September Chapter Meeting

This event has ended
Thursday, September 8th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Will be Recorded Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation

Join us on Thursday, September 8, at 7 p.m. via zoom to learn all about Native Trees for the Home Landscape, presented by Marc Radell, Master Gardener and Wild Ones of SEPA Chapter member.  

As always, the meeting will be recorded and available for viewing on our YouTube Channel.  Our very informative and popular monthly newsletter will be sent out after the meeting.

If you have any native plant questions or things you're excited about in your garden, please feel free to share pictures or stories after our main presentation.  

We look forward to sharing our passion for native plants with you!

Members will receive an email with information to join the meeting. If you are not a member and would like to join the meeting, please email us at [email protected] to receive a link via email.


Philadelphia Honey Festival

This event has ended
Friday, September 9th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Glen Foerd, 5001 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia,, PA Map

Food trucks, honey-based cocktails, games, and family activities on the lawn of this lovely riverfront site. Join us for an evening of activities focused on our favorite pollinator, the honey bee! This year's HoneyFest will feature food from the Clean Plate Club food truck and the Haagen-Dazs ice cream truck. Enjoy honey-themed cocktails and drinks from Made with Mutual Respect Collective. Various vendors will sell their wares such as Honey Rose Botanicals, The Eco Joynt, and Duende Textiles. Craft bee hotels and more with members of our staff or enjoy some lawn games. The Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild will host multiple activities like honey extractions and a bee beard demonstration. RSVP in advance.


Fall Garden Care for Wildlife

This event has ended
Saturday, September 10th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mt Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd,, Hockessin,, DE Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

As fall approaches, different elements become important in the garden �" both visually and for providing habitat. This month we will talk about how to incorporate Eco-Gardening principals into your management practices. Discover an array of fruiting trees and shrubs that add beauty to your space and provide wildlife forage. This program takes place in-person at Mt. Cuba Center. Register  


Pennsylvania Native Plant Society Summer Native Plant Sale

This event has ended
Saturday, September 10th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Seed/Plant Sale

Native plant sale run by PA Native Plant Society


Philadelphia Honey Festival

This event has ended
Saturday, September 10th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Wyck House, 6026 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA Map

This always-popular event includes honey tastings, extractions, presentations, bee-bearding, a mead and beer garden, and much more!


Philadelphia Honey Festival

This event has ended
Sunday, September 11th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Bartram's Garden, 5400 Lindbergh Blvd., Philadelphia, PA Map

Public Welcome

Bartram's Garden will be closing the festivities with community-based vendors, food trucks, and games, costume-making, science & music for children, and a native plant sale.


Mennonite Central Committee BioBlitz and Nature Fest

This event has ended
Saturday, September 17th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Mennonite Central Committee, 21 South 12th Street,, Akron, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join local experts and citizen scientists across Lancaster County to conduct a plant and insect BioBlitz of MCC's Akron Campus. Volunteers will join experts for the morning to count as many insects and plants as possible plus enjoy local festivities. We will have a PLANT Team and an INSECT Team, each led by a knowledgeable local naturalist. Grab your phone to use iNaturalist, or a pen and paper, and help us document the diversity of plants and insects we find on campus in eastern Lancaster County. A smart phone is helpful, but not required. Download the apps and/or beforehand to help you with identifying wildlife. This family-friendly event is open and FREE to the community! Join us for fun plus live music, an opportunity to learn about the natural environment, and talk about rewilding your own landscape! If you would like to join the PLANT Team and/or INSECT Team please contact Katrina Lefever, [email protected] by Friday, September 9th to be assigned to a team. Information


Phoenixville 11th Annual Green Earth Festival

This event has ended
Saturday, September 17th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome

This FREE family-friendly event will feature kids activities, speakers, exhibits and vendors letting you LEARN more about our local businesses, CONNECT with organizations working to improve and preserve the environment, and find new ways to ACT, to make Greenixville an engaged community taking care of the planet. More info and Festival Map  


Using Native Plants in the Landscape

This event has ended
Sunday, September 18th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Manheim Train Station, 210 S Charlotte St, Manheim, PA, 17545 Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Linda Ferich of the Lancaster Conservancy's Community Wildlife Habitat Program will provide a FREE PowerPoint presentation about the program and landscaping with native plants.  Hungry Hook Native Plant Farm will have native plants available for sale. Presented by Pennsylvania Native Plant Society


Bringing the Wild Home: A Nature Inspired Garden

This event has ended
Saturday, September 24th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Kellys Run Nature Preserve, 9 New Village Road, Holtwood, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Learn, get inspired, and get started on creating your own native plant garden to bring the wild home!

Join the Lancaster Conservancy and the leaders of our Community Wildlife Habitat program at Kellys Run Nature Preserve to learn about the importance of native plants in our landscaping, tour a pollinator garden, explore options for your own property to encourage native ecosystems, and take home a native plant to get you started! Tours of the pollinator garden will leave from the pavilion at 9, 10, 11 and 12. Where to Meet: Kellys Run Nature Preserve What to Expect: Suitable for all ages. Restroom facilities are available onsite. Tours of the garden will include a short walk. This event will be held rain or shine, with sever weather cancellations being made on-site at the time of the event. What to Bring: Comfortable walking shoes and water.


Knowing Native Plants: The Amazing Aster Family and Their Colorful Companions

This event has ended
Saturday, September 24th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve, 1635 River Road, New Hope, PA Map

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Join Preserve Naturalist Mary Anne Borge to find out what makes aster family members different from all other plants and their importance to both wildlife and people. You'll learn about classic asters such as New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae), aromatic aster (Symphyotrichum oblongifolium) and many other species found in different habitats; some that bloom into November; as well as bonesets (Eupatorium perfoliatum), white snakeroot (Ageratina altissima) and mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum). Learn which of these species might be good candidates for your own garden. Bowmans Hill Wildflower Preserve In person $30, zoom $25. Register.


York County Pawpaw Festival

This event has ended
Saturday, September 24th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Horn Farm Center, 4945 Horn Rd, York, PA Map

Public Welcome

At the event, pawpaw fruit (both wild and cultivated varieties) and trees will be available for purchase. Other pawpaw related items will be available including pawpaw cookbooks, books, and t-shirts.  In addition, the festival will feature local food vendors, artisans, and community organizations. Fresh produce from the Horn Farm, native plants, jams, jellies, honey, and more will be for sale. Visitors will also enjoy tours of the farm and pawpaw orchard. Things will be a little different this year, due to the 2021 farmhouse fire. However, the festivities will go on! Horn Road will be closed to local traffic at the intersections of Millstone Road and Tracey School Road. Festival-goers will be asked to enter at Millstone Road only. As a fundraiser for the Horn Farm Center, we are requesting a $5.00 donation at the door. All proceeds support local regenerative agriculture practices and education programs at the Horn Farm Center. All pawpaw fruits, trees, produce, and vendor products will be available while supplies last. RAIN OR SHINE!


York County Pawpaw Festival

This event has ended
Sunday, September 25th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Horn Farm, 4945 Horn Rd, York, PA, 17406 Map

At the event, pawpaw fruit (both wild and cultivated varieties) and trees will be available for purchase. Other pawpaw related items will be available including pawpaw cookbooks, books, and t-shirts.  In addition, the festival will feature local food vendors, artisans, and community organizations. Fresh produce from the Horn Farm, native plants, jams, jellies, honey, and more will be for sale. Visitors will also enjoy tours of the farm and pawpaw orchard. Things will be a little different this year, due to the 2021 farmhouse fire. However, the festivities will go on! Horn Road will be closed to local traffic at the intersections of Millstone Road and Tracey School Road. Festival-goers will be asked to enter at Millstone Road only. As a fundraiser for the Horn Farm Center, we are requesting a $5.00 donation at the door. All proceeds support local regenerative agriculture practices and education programs at the Horn Farm Center. All pawpaw fruits, trees, produce, and vendor products will be available while supplies last. RAIN OR SHINE!

October 2022


Knowing Native Plants: Trees of the Preserve

This event has ended
Saturday, October 8th, 2022
to (Central Time)

Learn about many of our native tree species in the glory of their fall color with former botany/plant physiology college instructor Ed Lignowski, Ph.D. Do you know which native tree was originally used to flavor root beer? Or why leaves change color? This class will cover these topics and more, as well as provide tips on how to identify the trees of the Preserve, both deciduous and evergreen. Bowmans Hill Wildflower Preserve Zoom $25.


October Chapter Meeting

This event has ended
Thursday, October 13th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Limited Access Recording Chapter Meeting

Join us for an informative presentation by Ben Kessler of Little Bluestem Nursery in Afton, VA, on cultivars and genotypes. Members will receive an email with the zoom link. If you are not a member and would like to join the meeting, please email us at [email protected] to receive the link.


"Homegrown National Park" with Doug Tallamy

This event has ended
Tuesday, October 18th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Join Blue Ridge PRISM via Zoom for our Fall Meeting when we welcome Doug Tallamy as our speaker. His presentation "Homegrown National Park" will include discussion on how we can regenerate biodiversity in our landscapes. Dr. Tallamy will have a Q&A with the audience at the end of his presentation. This webinar promises to be thought-provoking, inspiring, and informative. We hope you can join us! This is a free* online event and includes a question & answer period with the audience. Those who register will receive access to the recording.

November 2022


November Chapter Meeting

This event has ended
Wednesday, November 9th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Will be Recorded Free Event Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation

Please join us On Wednesday, November 9th at 7:00pm via Zoom for our monthly chapter meeting.  Learn with us as Master Gardener Emeritus, Marc Radell, presents 'Native Shrubs for 4-Season Interest'.  After the presentation, we'll discuss chapter business.

December 2022


December Chapter Meeting

This event has ended
Thursday, December 1st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Chapter Meeting

Susan Doblmaier, with the Hardy Plant Society, will speak on Collecting and Saving Native Seeds.