Nature Hour -- Bicycling With Butterflies
Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation
In 2017, Sara Dykman became the first person to follow �" by bicycle �" the eastern population of monarch butterflies on their round-trip, multinational, multi-generational migration. From Mexico to Canada and back, her 10,201 mile adventure, on a beat-up bicycle, was a call to action. “The monarchs need us,” Dykman explained, “they can't call politicians to demand healthy prairies or rally for native gardens. But we can. We might not be able to fly like butterflies, but we can bike alongside them, and be their voice. In this special Nature Hour, Sara will regale us with the story of her monumental journey, the complex science behind the monarch's dwindling numbers, and the hope and inspiration of what we all can do to make a difference in the fight to help these spectacular and vital creatures. Register