Early Spring Life and Vernal Pools -- Interpretive Hike at Climbers Run
This event has ended
Saturday, March 19th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)
Public Welcome Nature Walk/Hike
Spring starts to erupt in early March: skunk cabbage melts through snow and frogs and salamanders move to vernal pools, which are very temporary wetlands, to breed. These pools are full of life �" the perfect environment for baby frogs, toads, and salamanders to grow. Come discover the early spring life at Climbers Run Nature Center with Keith Williams, naturalist and the Conservancy's Community Engagement Coordinator, as we explore the vernal pools. This will be an easy one-mile hike over mostly flat terrain. Dress for the weather, and wear waterproof boots. Port-a-john is available onsite. Open to all ages. We will make snow related cancellation decisions 24 hours before the trip. Register