Events Calendar


Invasive Plants, Pollinators, and Herbicides

This event has ended
Thursday, April 21st, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

How do invasive plants and herbicides affect native pollinators? Celia Vuocolo, Private Lands Biologist with Quail Forever, will discuss how invasive plants affect our native pollinators, including bees and butterflies. Joining her will be Blue Ridge PRISM's program director Beth Mizell, who will explore the exposure pathways of herbicides and how they affect pollinators. They will also cover strategies on how to mitigate the possible impacts of herbicides to pollinators during invasive plant management.

You can submit your questions for Celia and Beth beforehand (during registration), or ask them live during the webinar.

Presented by Blue Ridge Prism Free; register  

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