Events Calendar


Lose the Lawn, Create a Wildflower Meadow

This event has ended
Tuesday, July 12th, 2022
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation

Learn how to enhance your property's landscaping for wildlife by creating a wildflower meadow. Lawns are monocultures that are green deserts for wildlife, offering no cover, no food (nectar, seeds, etc.), and no beauty (blooming wildflowers and lovely native grasses). Consider turning some lawn into a wildflower meadow instead. Even a small “pocket meadow” will make a big difference to wildlife. A meadow can be simple to create and Pat will share the basics. Learn how to convert lawn to meadow, how to maintain your meadow in a simple fashion over time, and how to make it acceptable and attractive to neighbors and visitors. Zoom. Free. Register.

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