September Chapter Meeting
Join us for this month's chapter meeting, to include the exciting (and timely) presentation:
The Perfect Plants for Soggy Soils: An Exploration of Wetland Natives
With Matthew Ross, Director of Continuing Education at Longwood Gardens
Join Matthew Ross as he shares stories from the swamps, bogs, and marshes where he spends his free time searching for the plants that thrive in these conditions. From the typical wetland plants that are often included in rain gardens like cardinal flower, blue lobelia, and buttonbush to some of the more obscure selections like pickerelweed, seedbox, and broadfruit bur-reed learn how to properly utilize this plant palate in your landscape. Get ready to take notes on which plants thrive in soggy situations and others that can handle periodic flooding and even moments of drought in this exciting virtual lecture.
Email us at [email protected] for a link to the zoom meeting.