If you are a member, welcome to the newly chartered Wild Ones of South Eastern Pennsylvania! If you are not a member yet, welcome! There will be posts here to learn more about Wild Ones as a club and what our mission is (hint, it involves getting native plants in the ground!).
Interested members are invited to put your name forward (or nominate another member) for officer and committee chair positions for 2022. Specifically, we need a new Treasurer, as well as committee chair positions. Elections will take place at the November meeting. Click here to view a description of duties for officers and committee chairs. https://sepa.wildones.org/wp-content/images/sites/96/2021/07/officers-committees.pdf Continue reading "Officers and Committees for 2022"
By joining Wild Ones (wildones.org) and selecting Southeastern PA as your chapter, a portion of your tax-deductible membership will be returned to our chapter to help fund activities and outreach to promote native plantings in our community. Continue reading "Join Wild Ones"