August 2021 Chapter Program Highlights

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Here are some highlights from our August 4, 2021, chapter program:

Thought of the Month: Although experts are still recommending that we not fill our bird
feeders, to reduce opportunities for the recent mysterious bird disease to spread, we can still be
confident that our birds are being well fed by our native plants. Elderberries, wild cherries, and
other native berries are ripening, and insects are still feeding on the leaves of native plants,
providing natural food sources for the birds. The recent bird disease highlights the reason we
plant natives – they are an essential part of the web of life. We enjoy seeing birds at our feeders,
but they don’t really need us to supplement their food if we plant a diverse selection of natives.
Oaks, cherries, birches, sumacs, elderberries, serviceberries, sunflowers, and asters all provide
food for birds.

Nominating Committee: Chapter members are invited to join the Nominating Committee to create
a slate of officers for 2022. Our Treasurer will be stepping down, so a new Treasurer will be
needed. Elections will be held at the November chapter meeting. Job descriptions are posted on
our website. Several committee positions are open for the first time, since we are a new chapter –
for example, Program Chair, Community Projects Chair, and Publicity Chair. If you are interested
in a position, please contact Susan at [email protected] to join the committee or
put your name or another member’s name forward for an officer or committee chair position.

Report – Chapter Project: Jessie announced our chapter’s first community project, at Hillsdale
Elementary School in West Chester. The chapter will assist the school’s gardening club and PTO 2
to clear out invasives from two overgrown planting beds in front of the school, and will purchase
several flats of native plants to replant the raised bed in front of the school. We will also provide
the teachers with information to be incorporated into their lesson plans on the importance of
native plants. The students will be able to participate in the planting activities. This is a great
opportunity for chapter members to help carry out our mission of educating others on the
benefits of native plants. This Saturday and Sunday, August 7 and 8, volunteers will meet at the
school from 7 to 10 a.m. to work on clearing the two areas. Email Michele at [email protected] to volunteer.

Presentation – Water Features: Two videos provided basic information on incorporating water features into the home
landscape. Various options, from the simplest (freestanding fountain) to the most involved (in-
ground pond) were discussed. A pondless waterfall/stream provides moving water without the
need for a separate pond or outside water source. A pond with no fish provides useful habitat
for frogs and other amphibians. The videos described waterfalls, year-round ponds, and sizing a
pond for the landscape. Two members shared their designs for small ponds. Creating a butterfly
saucer to provide both water and minerals was also discussed.

Upcoming Opportunities:
o Members-Only Plant Sale – Members can take advantage of wholesale pricing on native
landscape plugs from North Creek Nursery. Orders are due by August 6. Prices and
availability can be checked on North Creek’s website. Email Susan at
[email protected] to place your order. Plants will be delivered the
week of September 13.
o Pennsylvania Pollinator Photo Challenge – Photos highlighting a pollinator must be
submitted by August 13. Details can be found at
o Edge of the Woods Wild Ones Member Discount Days – 10% discount for Wild Ones
members for the month of September. Your membership card can be downloaded from
the national website,
o Meet the Designers: Free webinar to learn from the designers how the Wild Ones –
Boston native garden design was created. Register on the national website,
o Plan It Native: Sept. 22-24, concurrent sessions in three areas: Communications &
Policy, Design & Business, and Land Stewardship & Management. More information and
registration here:
o Bee Short Course for Community Scientists: Monthly webinars for community scientists
interested in building wild bee conservation skills. More information here:
o Wild Ones SEPA chapter meeting schedule: Sept. 9 (Designing with Marginal Plants),
Oct. 6 (Identifying and Controlling Invasives), Nov. 11 (Fall Dividing), Dec 8 (Winter Seed

Save the Dates: Below are several community events in September for our chapter to have a
table and spread the word about the benefits of native plants. Members are encouraged to
volunteer to staff our table. Please email Jessie at [email protected] to volunteer: 3

o Sept. 4-6: Ludwig’s Corner Country Fair, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (volunteers needed each day
but especially Sunday & Monday)
o Sept. 10-12: Philadelphia Honey Fest, Friday 5-9 p.m. at Glen Foerd, Saturday 10 a.m. – 4
p.m. at Wyck House, Sunday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Bartram’s Garden (volunteers needed
Saturday & Sunday)
o Sept. 18: Phoenixville Green Earth Festival, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
o Sept. 25: West Vincent Township Community Day, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
 View the recording of the meeting on our Youtube channel here:
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates on planting natives in southeastern PA.